Go from Zero to Hero

Cyber Security is vital in protecting web assets
and user data. This course explores network security,
encryption techniques, vulnerability assessment, and
cybersecurity best practices. Students will learn how to
safeguard web applications and data from cyber
threats and attacks.


lifetime access


access on mobile/tv


Learn at your pace

Highly Practical

What You'll Learn

  • Introduction to Cybersecurity
  • Threat Landscape
  • Fundamentals of Security
  • Network Security
  • Authentication and Access Control
  • Cryptography and Data Protection
  • Security in the Cloud
  • Incident Response and Recovery
  • Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing
  • Cybersecurity Best Practices

What you should know


You don't need prior knowledge of React to take this course. However, you should have some basic knowledge of web development, including Python.

Here are the courses we recommend if you need to strengthen the fundamentals.


What students like you are saying

Frequently asked questions

Do I get access to the course materials after class?

Yes, all course materials are uploaded before your class commences and are available to you during and
after your learning has ended.

When do I get my certificate?

The Codar certificate is usually given to the students after
completing their capstone project

What kind of certificate do I get? (Soft/hard copy)

Your certificate is an electronic document shared with you. However, you can download it as you deem necessary

Who can we contact if we have more questions?

Please reach out to info@codarhq.com for any further questions.

A perfectly-structured course packed with exercises, solutions, and a
real project. Learn and understand the what's, why's and how's.