Learn to Code in JavaScript with

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in
the world. Companies like Walmart, Netflix, and PayPal run big
internal applications around JavaScript.

If you're looking for a career in web or mobile app development,
you MUST know JavaScript well.

It breaks down modern JavaScript into digestible and easy-to-
understand pieces using real-world examples, exercises and
step-by-step solutions.


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What You'l Learn...

Right from the beginning, you'll jump in and write your first JavaScript program within minutes.

  • Fundamentals of programming
  • Variables and types
  • Operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical, bitwise, etc)
  • Conditional statements (if/else, switch/case)
  • CLoops (for, while, do-while)
  • Getters and setters
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Prototypes and prototypical inheritance
  • Modern JavaScript features frequently used in apps
  • Property descriptors

Frequently asked questions

What device should i use for the class

Before you enrol for a course at Codar, you need to have a working laptop and a stable internet
connection for the best learning experience.

Do I get access to the course materials after class?

Yes, all course materials are uploaded before your class commences and are available to you during and
after your learning has ended.

When do I get my certificate?

The Codar certificate is usually given to the students after
completing their capstone project

What kind of certificate do I get? (Soft/hard copy)

Your certificate is an electronic document shared with you. However, you can download it as you deem necessary

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